Category: Your Business


5 Steps to Build a Business From Scratch

Whether you are planning on starting a window cleaning business or any other service type business, there are certain steps you must take in order to get the results you desire. You must have a desire to make an income and take the proper steps that will make that a...


Sole Proprietorship: Is It For Me?

When you are first starting a new business, the learning curve can be pretty steep because you are solely responsible for everything in your business.  I’m going to speak in relation (as I usually do) to starting a window cleaning business. There are different steps and phases of starting up...


What Tools Should I Get For My Window Cleaning Business?

Ask a Pro Whether you’re starting a window cleaning business, already have one, or just want to buy some window cleaning tools, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. A good place to start would be to ask some professional window cleaners who have years of experience for...


5 Reasons to Have A Website For Your Business

There are many options available to you when starting a website for your business. 1. There are free options. 2. You can host your own website with a hosting company. 3. You can hire someone to do it for you. (The last option can be the most costly and you...


All Business Is An Exchange in Value

Whether you are a buyer or a seller, we all share in exchanging money for goods and services in the marketplace. Isn’t it amazing how money can be used and reused many times over in its travels benefitting many people different in the process? It has a way of multiplying...


Take Time Off From Your Business to Relax

“The More You Do, the Less You Do Well” – Bette Midler When you run your own business it can be easy to be busy working on something nearly all the time.  I’m learning that it’s important to have your work schedule and schedule time to relax and recharge or...


Advertising Your Business: Craigslist

A Simple, Free Place to Advertise There are many places you can advertise your window cleaning business (or any service-based business) to start getting clients.  A great free place you can advertise your services is on Craigslist in your local area. My craigslist ad is one of many places that...